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Being Ethical in Business

Ok I was going to do a blog post expanding on branding today but in light what I have see and discussions that have gone on in the past week, that got pushed to the back burner.  Instead this week we will talk about integrity, ethics, being professional, and respecting others.  There are too many photographers out there that feel it is ok to lie, cheat, and steal.  Sorry folks but I’m here to tell you that is NOT ok!  I’m going to address the top 3 offenses I see the most often.

1) Don’t Steal Images

Simple as that.  All the images on your site should be ones that you took.  If an image is on your site, you are telling the world, hey this is an image I took, its my work.

Stealing according to Dictionary.com is

1.to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force

2. to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.

So in other words, if you take an image off someone else’s Facebook, blog, site etc without their knowledge and put it on your own Facebook, blog, site, etc you are stealing.  This includes the written word.  You cannot copy another person’s About Me Section, FAQ section, even email response as pass it off as your own.  I remember in school that plagiarism, or the stealing of another person’s words without credit, was a huge offense and could cause you to fail that assignment.  If you wanted to use the exact wording, you had to quote it, reference the material, the author, the page you found it on, etc.  Well that does not change as an adult.

Also when you steal someone else’s work, written and/or images you are being fraudulent to those customers that end up hiring you.  They are hiring you based on the work they are shown on your website/blog/Facebook.  You are then in turn stealing money from your clients because you can’t possibly produce the work that they have seen.  So all you are asking for here is lawsuits brought against you for copyright infringement, stealing, committing fraud, etc.  Ok I’m not going to pretend to be a lawyer here but I do know there are several crimes that could be brought against you.  And that is not a good way to start a business.  Honesty and doing things the right way, will only bring good karma your way and help your business grow.  We are a service based business and rely heavy on word of mouth referrels.  Well, when you steal images you not only lose referrels from that client, other photographers, other event professionals you cause a backlash especially from the client as they will tell everyone they know to never use you and what horrible experience they had.

2) Don’t put down other Photographers

This goes back to the simple statement we all heard as kids, “treat others as you would like to be treated.”  Don’t go posting bad reviews about other photographers.  This is seriously not cool.  Would you want someone do to that do you? No, of course not so just don’t do it!!!  And this will not increase your business so please don’t be a bully and put others down so you feel better about yourself.

Instead be proud of the work you do but keep striving to improve.  That will take your business places you have only imagined and keeps you postive and on the up and up.  Trust me people will take notice and in a good way 🙂

3) And third, Don’t pretend to be a Inquiring Client

Don’t email other photographers pretending to be a bride/client to get their prices, marketing materials, pricing sheets, email responses etc.  I get several emails a week from other photographer price shopping us (which I don’t understand since I have pricing posted on our site) or did see how we respond to clients or to get our brochure etc so then they can copy it (this goes back to #1, don’t steal)  I love helping out other photographers and will answer any question that is asked but just be upfront.  Yes starting a business is hard but certain things that work for me, may not work for you and vice versa.  As a photographer/business owner you have to try different avenues and see what works best for YOU.  Please don’t try to be someone else.  You are unique, wonderful individual and so use that and showcase that and I promise people will respond to it.

I’ve seen and heard too many of these things happening to myself and other wedding photographers from Dallas and other parts of the country.  I know there is a lot more that could be addressed but these are the top 3 offenders I have seen/experienced.  So to wrap this up, if you take nothing else away from this post, Be Yourself, “Treat others as you would like to be treated” and Be Honest.  And this is for all businesses not just wedding photographers. Thanks Everyone  and Happy Tuesday 🙂

Oh and I want to leave you with a happy picture so here are some cute pics of my fur kids taken with my iPhone so don’t judge 🙂

Napoleon and Roxxy

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  • Stephen CoxI absolutely agree with you! In a career so focused on creativity it is amazing how many people want to copy others. Just doesn’t make sense. If it is any consolation, we also get a flurry of inquiries without phone numbers (email only). I believe that Karma will take of them eventually.ReplyCancel

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