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Karey and Jeremy Celebrate 5 years of Marriage

Jeremy and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary today 🙂  It’s hard to believe it has been 5 years.  We have been so blessed.  I thought I would take some time and share a little bit about us. Enjoy.

Jeremy and Karey celebrate 5 years of Marriage

How did you meet your husband and how old were you

Time flies when you are having fun! We meet a long time ago back in high school. I was a junior and he was a freshman.

Was it love at first sight?

We had horticulture together so that’s when I first saw him and I thought he was very cute. We had a mutual friend that told me that Jeremy liked me. We both were very shy. But I made the first move. Our first date was at the movies. Wish I could remember the movie.

How did you know you were supposed to marry him? We had been through so much together and our love was so strong that it held us together through it all. I knew if we could make it through hard times we can make it through anything together!

ow long was it till you got engaged after you started dating? We meet so young ..he was 16 and I was 17 years old. We waited until after college to get married. So it was a total of 10 years before I was engaged! It gave us time to grow… we don’t rush into anything. ha! 10 years engaged. 5 years of marriage and now a little one on the way! 15 years total!!

Long or short engagement? He proposed the first week of December. We had a Christmas party to go to and he surprised me before the party. It was a fun night! I wanted to wait to start planning everything until after Christmas and we were married April 1st. So it gave us 3 months to plan.

How was the wedding?

My mom pretty much did it all. Thank you mom! We just wanted to be married and we knew we wanted to get married in a church. We feel in love with First Christian church Plano. His brother also got married at this church so we knew it was the perfect fit for us. We had a simple reception across the street from the church at Haggard Park.  It all turn out very pretty and was what we wanted, to be married!

Do you believe he is your soulmate? Of course!!!!!

What is your favorite thing about him? He knows how to make me smile!

What is your favorite thing to do together? I would have to say just relaxing at home. But I love going for walks and being outside and just enjoying each other company.

If you could go one place with him anywhere in the world where would that be? An island… any island with blue water and white sand! Wish we were there now!!!

What do you see for your future?  I’m 24 weeks pregnant with a bright future ahead of us!  I can’t wait for our little boy to be born. Skies the limits for us now!

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